Thursday, January 19, 2006


Ok after my last post I have something that has to be addressed. In the comments you will see where my husband took everything I said and still found a way of making it wrong or bad. I am so annoyed with this. I felt so good about putting up there all the great things he is to me. Instead of saying thank you or being just happy in general he found something wrong with what I did or did not say. I mean COME ON can't you just take it as the way I meant it and be happy? This is pretty normal when ever I put myself out there for him he will find a way to shoot me back down. Then he wonders why I never say those things to him. He wonders why I just complain and never say anything positive to him. WELL WHEN I DO YOU DO THIS!!! I have admitted all along I am not one to talk "feelings". I have been hurt so may time I keep the tender part of my heart way deep inside. It is easier for me to express anger over any other emotion. There are many reasons I am this way and Matt knows them all but he still does nothing to help me feel safe and this only makes it worse for me. Nothing I do is ever right or good enough. Just the other night he was complaining the he needed a paper shredder. So while I was at the store later that night I got him one. If wasn't top of the line but it was decent. I brought it home to him and he turned his nose up to it and it still has not made it out of the box. I so just want to give up and say to him I will never been enough for you. Please find someone who will and let me be. I am so done with not feeling like anything I do is appreciated or right. I hate feeling like a failure.

Posted by ONE HOT MAMA :: 12:17 PM :: 5 Comments:

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