Monday, June 05, 2006

Serious baby talks.

Matt and I have been talking off and on about when to start trying for our last chile. well My reproductive organs are CRAP ( and thats being nice) and I will be 30 very soon. Not that 30 or older is to late to have a baby it's just older than I want to be preg. My personal cut off point for thinking of another child is 35. So anyway we talked about this last night and I am gonna call the reproductive place and find out how much a transfer of some of our already frozen embryos will run us and we will further discuss our options from there.

I have been on a major cleaning spree around the house. I have half of our garage cleaned out and I opened up most of the house to the kids. they just don't know what to think about this new freedom. William just keeps running back and forth in the hall way. He's so happy with his little self.

Yesterday we all ( me, matt, & twins) went outside to play in the backyard. We had a BLAST! It was the best kind of pure fun! My heart could have just burst with happiness. I sat in the grass and watched the love of my life play with his daughter and son, it was just so touching watching them laugh and play. Then he took each of them a ride around the yard in their little tykes car. OMG they had pure happiness on their faces. It was a moment I think I will never forget!

Posted by ONE HOT MAMA :: 11:30 PM :: 3 Comments:

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