Thursday, February 02, 2006

Somebody slap me!

Ok today I had a appt for William at the Ortho doc. His little feet kinda roll in when he stands. He is still pretty clumsy when he walks and he drags his Left ever so slightly when he walks. SO at his 2 year check up I mentioned it to his PED and she watched him walk and said that I was right he should be seen. So I took him in today totally expecting them to tell me to get him some supportive shoes or maybe a insert for his shoes. Ya know, something mild. Well NOPE the ortho Dr. said that yes he is dragging his leg and lets get a X-ray of his hips. I felt nervous from then until I left. Well the good news is his hips are perfect. The not so good news is the Ortho Dr. Said he needs a brace for that leg to make him use it right. He won't need it forever but for now he needs it. I feel so bad for my little man. He always has all the issues. The thing that really shook me up was the mention of cerbal palsy. The Dr. said he is pretty sure William has a *mild* case of it and although he can't commit 100% to that with out a MRI he is pretty confident that is what we are dealing with. The Dr. Said his own daughter has it and the thing with cerbal palsy is there is not much that can be done. Therapy and teaching them how to move their body's in a way that the muscles with allow is about it. I guess the good side of this is it doesn't get worse with time. It is just what it is. I've always known he has had low muscle tone. I was ok with that term. What I didn't know was the term *low muscle tone* is a nice way of saying mild case of cerbal palsy. Just the label takes a bit to get used to I guess. I should be SO THANKFUL that he is healthy and his mind is totally sharp and smart. I should be so happy for all that we have been given with these two. But truthfully I am so sad right now. I guess I gotta get over it and do what's right for my little man. The great thing is the Dr. Said that with me noticing all these things in him very soon in the game by the time he goes to school no one should be able to tell he has it. He said most of the time cases like Williams are not caught until the child is 4-5 and by then they are school age when the braces and stuff are introduced. So YAY! MOMMY! We will get that part over with and save him from having to deal with mean kids at school.

Posted by ONE HOT MAMA :: 11:53 AM :: 2 Comments:

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